Some big old church in Santa Fe!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Here's our friend Mark who invited us to Santa Fe. This is a great pic of him in front of the Sam Adams bar. You need a lot of alcoholic fortification to deal with the Hillsisters.

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Characters

Mary Ann and Cate. Why is this pic so damn big? Just our outsize personalities I guess.

Jeralyn and Joe. Joe, get out! You can't come with us; only Jerayn.

Mary, Joan and Gina on the first Sisters Trip in Washington DC.
Don't they look all aglow as they walk by the reflecting pool?

The Beginning - Pre Trip planning

So, wanting to document the upcoming Sisters Vacation. Technically, we're not all sisters but whatever. We are meeting in Santa Fe where our gracious and long suffering friends Mark and Phyllis live. I am wondering, should we set up some rules before we all converge? What should they be?